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History Courses

HIST 1301: United States History I

(Can be applied toward Texas Core Curriculum American History requirement)

对美国历史的调查,从人们向西半球的迁移开始,一直持续到内战和重建时期. 本课程着重于发现、殖民、革命和国家建设的时期. 所提供的材料涵盖了各种各样的主题,包括社会, cultural, intellectual, military and political history.

HIST 1302: United States History II

(Can be applied toward Texas Core Curriculum American History requirement)

1877年至今的美国历史概览. The course covers industrial, social, 以及从1877年到20世纪美国崛起为世界强国的政治问题. 展示的材料涵盖了各种各样的主题,包括镀金时代, the Progressive Period, World War I, the Depression and the New Deal, World War II, the Cold War, and contemporary events.

HIST 2301: Texas History

(Can be applied toward Texas Core Curriculum American History requirement)

A survey of the political, social, economic, cultural, 以及德克萨斯从前哥伦布时代到现在的思想史. Themes that may be addressed in Texas History include: Spanish colonization and Spanish Texas; Mexican Texas; the Republic of Texas; statehood and secession; oil, industrialization, and urbanization; civil rights; and modern Texas.

HIST 2311: Western Civilization I

A survey of the social, political, economic, cultural, religious, 以及从人类起源到17世纪的欧洲和地中海世界的思想史. 《威尼斯人博彩》应该讨论的主题包括美索不达米亚的文化遗产, Egypt, Greece, Rome, Byzantium, Islamic civilizations, and Europe through the Middle Ages, Renaissance, and Reformations.

HIST 2312: Western Civilization II

A survey of the social, political, economic, cultural, religious, 以及从17世纪到现代欧洲和地中海世界的思想史. 《威尼斯人博彩》应该讨论的主题包括专制主义和宪政主义, growth of nation states, the Enlightenment, revolutions, classical liberalism, industrialization, imperialism, Global conflict, the Cold War, and globalism.

HIST 2321: World Civilization I

A survey of the social, political, economic, cultural, religious, 以及从人类文化出现到15世纪的世界思想史. 该课程考察了非洲的世界主要文化区域, the Americas, Asia, Europe, 和大洋洲以及它们的全球互动. 主题包括早期社会的出现, the rise of civilizations, 政治和法律制度的发展, religion and philosophy, 经济体系和跨区域的交流网络. 本课程强调全球交流的发展、互动和影响.

HIST 2322: World Civilization II

A survey of the social, political, economic, cultural, religious, 以及从15世纪至今的世界思想史. 该课程考察了非洲的世界主要文化区域, the Americas, Asia, Europe, 和大洋洲以及它们的全球互动. 主题包括海上探险和跨洋帝国, 民族/国家的形成和工业化, imperialism, global conflicts and resolutions, and global economic integration. 本课程强调全球交流的发展、互动和影响.

HIST 2327: Mexican American History I

(Can be applied toward Texas Core Curriculum American History requirement)

A survey of the economic, social, political, intellectual, 以及墨西哥裔美国人/墨西哥裔美国人的文化史. 时期包括早期的土著社会, conflict and conquest, 早期的欧洲殖民和帝国, New Spain, the early revolutionary period, 墨西哥独立和国家建设, 以及美国扩张到美墨战争时期. 要讨论的主题是帝国早期的梅斯蒂扎伊人和种族形成, 本土和非洲奴隶制的兴衰, 与早期全球经济的关系, 新西班牙/墨西哥北部边境的开发, gender and power, missions, resistance and rebellion, the emergence of Mexican identities, California mission secularization, Texas independence, United States’ wars with Mexico, 边界和边陲的形成.

HIST 2328:墨西哥裔美国人历史II

(Can be applied toward Texas Core Curriculum American History requirement)

A survey of the economic, social, political, intellectual, 以及墨西哥裔美国人/墨西哥裔美国人的文化史. 时期包括美墨战争时期, 将墨西哥北部并入美国, Porfirian Mexico, 以及19世纪的美国西部, 1910年墨西哥革命和进步时代, the Great Depression and New Deal, World War II and the Cold War, Civil Rights Era, Conservative Ascendancy, 北美自由贸易协定时代和21世纪的发展. 要解决的主题是边界和边境地区的形成, 瓜达卢佩-伊达尔戈条约的影响, gender and power, migration and national identities, citizenship and expulsion, 19世纪的激进主义和流离失所, 工业化和墨西哥跨国工人阶级的形成, urbanization and community formation, 墨西哥裔美国人一代的出现, war and citizenship, organized advocacy and activism, Chicano Movement, 改变身份和身份, trade and terrorism.

HIST 2381: African American History I

(Can be applied toward Texas Core Curriculum American History requirement)

A survey of the social, political, economic, cultural, 以及非洲人后裔在美国形成和发展到内战/重建时期的思想史. 非裔美国人历史1包括对非洲起源和遗产的研究, the trans-Atlantic slave trade, 以及非裔美国人在殖民时期的经历, Revolutionary, Early National, Antebellum, and the Civil War/Reconstruction Eras. 本课程将使学生了解非裔美国人的历史是美国历史不可分割的一部分.S. history.

HIST 2382: African American History II

(Can be applied toward Texas Core Curriculum American History requirement)

A survey of the social, political, economic, cultural, 以及美国黑人后裔从内战/重建时期到现在的思想史. 非裔美国人历史II研究种族隔离, disenfranchisement, civil rights, migrations, industrialization, world wars, the Harlem Renaissance, 以及大萧条时期非裔美国人的状况, Cold War and post-Cold War eras. 本课程将使学生了解非裔美国人的历史是美国历史不可分割的一部分.S. history.

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  • John Castree
  • Phone: 979-209-7610